Call the Sea to Still Jesus! Worship Devotional

The key to our amazement is to recognize the peace that comes with just the slightest breath from the mouth of our Creator to make the chaos tremble and flee our lives (Matt 8:27)! It only takes a command from the Lord to calm the tempest, and I believe that until He does so He is using it to refine and strengthen our lack of faith in His ability to do so! Jesus is interested in our trust in His ability to bring a sense of peace to our heart and mind as we stay focused on who He is and rely on Him to fulfill His mission for us!

Lunch Devo: Ps 139:23

Lunch Devo: The truth of the matter is, we all have anxious thoughts at one time or another! We all need to be tested in our thinking and our passions (what consumes our attention and time) from time to time to make sure that we are not operating outside of the faith. I love how … Read more

How Does Peace Change Us?

We are called to be peace-makers not peace-keepers! Unfortunately, we will spend much of our time when we are not at peace in ourselves seeking to keep the peace around us, and we inevitably end up either hurting ourselves or others, or we just burn out trying. When we are whole and secure in Christ (at peace) we are perfectly positioned to make peace wherever we go. Our very presence will bring peace because it is actually the presence of the God of Peace within us that we are submitted to, and people can and will feel that!