Revelation Song – Standing In Awe of Jesus Christ!

Song of the Day

“Revelation Song” by Kari Jobe

Click the play button to watch a video of our song of the day, Revelation Song, by Kari Jobe! This video includes the lyrics to the song too. Thanks to AJ @ YouTube for producing this video!

Devotional thought

“…They never rest day or night, saying: “Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God, the All-Powerful, Who was and who is, and who is still to come!”

Revelation 4:8 (partial) NET 2nd ed

The Apostle John recounts an amazing scene in Heaven where he heard a voice speaking to him that sounded like a trumpet. He was then transported to the Throne where one was sitting and brilliant colors of jasper, ruby, and a rainbow encircled that Throne!

Around the Throne were twelve Elders sitting on thrones too. They were dressed in white and wearing golden crowns on their head. There was flashes of lightning and crashes of thunder coming out from the Throne!

In front of the Throne was a sea of crystal, like glass, and seven flaming torches which are the seven spirits of God. And four living creatures with eyes all around were in the middle of the Throne area. They looked like an ox, a lion, a man, and an eagle with six wings and they never rested day or night while they declared, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God almighty”!

As we read the account of the Apostle John’s revelation of Jesus in Heaven, it is impossible not to be awe-struck at the sights and sounds he reveals to us! The creatures he sees, the amazing brilliance of lights and thrones and people and angels, and….God!

O’ the things we who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior can look forward to in Heaven!

Making the personal connection

The power of living a Christian life is to apply these future realities to our current living situations. There is no reason we should not be falling with the creatures in Heaven right now and declaring the holiness and power of our wise King Jesus! “Never resting” as we proclaim the glories of our God.

John captured this sight for us so that we can live in a holy and reverent awe that this God whom he reveals to us is personally connected to us! This One seated on the Throne came to be with us, to die for us, and to save us from the eternal fire we were destined for!

“Worthy is the Lamb”to receive my praises, indeed! Hallelujah! I say again, Hallelujah!

Questions for Reflection

  • Are you awe-struck at the marvelous mystery of Jesus Christ?
  • Are you singing your “life song” to the One who is seated on Heaven’s Mercy seat?
  • What needs to happen in your life to take time to reflect more about the holiness of God and your future in Heaven?

Action Steps

Reflect on the Revelation of Jesus

Spend time reading through what the Bible reveals about God! Who He is, what He has done, and the characteristics of our Savior will inevitably result in worship.

Live in Awe of Jesus

I believe it is when we live in reverent appreciation of WHO Jesus is that we will begin to live in a way that reflects His holiness in us. Worship for God leads to lives of holiness.

Sing Praises to the King of kings

Sing songs of praise to God often! Honestly, we have so much good language in these beautiful songs that give expression of worship to our souls. We need to exercise this gift more often!

“With all creation I sing, praise to the King of kings. And I will adore you!” That is a lyric we sing in our song of the day, and I pray that this is true of us today and always.


Father God in Heaven, I am in awe of Your majestic nature and Your holiness as revealed in the Bible. I am grateful for these beautiful and awe-inspiring characteristics of You and Heaven revealed to me, and want to allow them to change the way I live my life each day.

Holy Spirit, please help me to live in reverent awe of my King Jesus, who is worthy to receive all my praises! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Isaiah 6:3,
  • Revelation 4:8-11,
  • Psalm 93,

Memory Verse

"...They never rest day or night, saying: “Holy Holy Holy is the Lord God, the All-Powerful, Who was and who is, and who is still to come!”
Revelation 4:8 (partial)
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