God has Fond Memories of You!

If you have wandered from God, please hear His words in Jeremiah 2. Please understand that He misses you and desires to be reconciled to you through your decision to devote yourself to Him and His ways again. Repent, confess your sins, and walk in His closeness again my friend. He loves you! For that we can all be grateful during this Thanksgiving season!

Allowed to Ascend?

The good news is that God has provided the One who is able to clean us up! His name is Jesus Christ, and anyone who calls upon Him is saved and able to access the throne of God! This doesn’t mean that we can still continue in unholiness and expect to receive blessing, but it does mean that we are able to be clean before God when we come to Christ and seek His forgiveness. Once we have the blood of Christ over us, cleansing our filth, then we can rest assured that we are able to ascend the hill of the Lord, not by anything that we do but through the baptism into Christ for the forgiveness of sins! He makes us clean! He changes our motives! Jesus presents us as holy and blameless before the Father (Ephesians 5:25-27)! If we are holy and blameless principally, then let’s live it out practically as worshipers! All for His glory!