Lunch Devo: Joshua 24:15

What are you fully committed to and who knows about that commitment? When given the decision to worship someone or something, do you choose God? Will you recommit yourself to the Lord and dedicate yourself and your household to following the Lord no matter what may come? I love this resolution by Joshua to worship … Read more

Is Your Worship Spirited and True? (Part 1)

In the Old Testament we see that worship was primarily an act of adherence to the prescribed methods and instructions of the law. It was very ritualistic and needed to be carried out with precision or else it was not accepted. The emphasis was not necessarily placed on the inward expression of worship from a changed heart and spirit that was completely submitted to God (although that was God’s intention), but was very much about the external conformity to rituals and traditions. The Jews missed the point! They were focused on the wrong things, and I believe that we can be trapped into the same things today – missing the whole point of worship.