
Joshua 24:15 (CSB)

15  “… As for me and my family, we will worship the Lord.”

I absolutely love this declaration in Scripture! What a strong resolve Joshua has to serve the Lord and to lead his family to do the same. I feel like if all of us (especially men) would have this sort of conviction, that our whole culture would be changed. If our world would be full of people that choose who they will be loyal to, the God of the universe, this world would experience so much peace and prosperity. 

Joshua is addressing the Israelites that entered the Promised Land that God gave to them after being slaves in Egypt for 400 years. They were delivered from Egypt by the Hand of God, through the leadership of Moses, and then embarked on an unnecessary 40 year journey through the wilderness because of their rebellion and complaining (their evil hearts of unbelief, as it says in Hebrews 3) against God and Moses. God met them in the wilderness and showed them His glory numerous times, but the people still complained and had a heart of unbelief. They were very quickly swayed to worshiping other gods. Their commitment level to God was slim at best.

I believe that each of us has an Egypt and a Promised land. I believe that we are all tempted to create, or assign, god figures into our lives that we end up worshiping because we believe that they will give us comfort, provision, peace, etc. Before we know it, we are gathering all of the gold around us and making a golden calf – just like the children of Israel did after Moses didn’t come down from the mountain where he met with God. When God doesn’t meet our timeline expectation, or doesn’t give us the answer we are looking for, or we don’t know where else to turn, we will be tempted to shift our commitment, or allegiance, to someone or something that seems to be the answer/solution to our problem.

Joshua says in Joshua 24:14 that we need to “fear the Lord and worship Him in sincerity and truth.” Another translation (NET) says to “obey the Lord and worship Him with integrity and loyalty.” Our loyalty to God is a great representation of our worship of Him! I am reading in Isaiah right now, and I am seeing how his audience is so prone to wonder. They are spiritual whores, if I may say so (the Bible says so Hosea 4:12Isaiah 1:21). The people God chose just had no integrity or loyalty, and they really didn’t have obedience period, so they were horrible worshipers. They were consumed with the ritual aspects of it, but God continually said to them that He is full of their sacrifices and He doesn’t desire them anymore. He wants hearts that are sincerely dedicated to Him and worship Him in all truth. 

Our God is immutable, that means that He is same yesterday, today, and forever. He never changes! For all of time, our God has only wanted a people that are loyal to Him, truthful, and obedient. God wants worshipers (John 4:24). He wants us all to say what Joshua said in Joshua 24:15, “..As for me and my house, we will worship the Lord.”. No turning to other gods that tempt us to give them our allegiance/worship. No turning from God whenever we feel He has abandoned us. No wishy-washy devotion. A people that say, “You are the Lord our God, and we will follow You and You alone whether in difficult times or in successful times, whatever we face- we will worship You!”. That is what God desires, and I know for me and my house – that is what He will receive! 

God bless you as you choose to worship the One and Only God!

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