Choices in Life

We have choices to make in life; Who to marry, how many children to have, where to work, where to worship, who to worship, and so-on. The choices we make should determine our devotion, and the devotion we have should determine our choices.
We do not want death and curses to follow us. We want life and blessings. This will happen for us if we choose to obey Him and remain loyal to Him always in the choices that we make!


I believe that each of us has an Egypt and a Promised land. I believe that we are all tempted to create, or assign, god figures into our lives that we end up worshiping because we believe that they will give us comfort, provision, peace, etc. Before we know it, we are gathering all of the gold around us and making a golden calf – just like the children of Israel did after Moses didn’t come down from the mountain where he met with God. When God doesn’t meet our timeline expectation, or doesn’t give us the answer we are looking for, or we don’t know where else to turn, we will be tempted to shift our commitment, or allegiance, to someone or something that seems to be the answer/solution to our problem.