Operational Upgrades for Our Lives

I use Apple products, and one of the things that happens with Apple is that they are constantly updating their software. This ultimately is helpful and reassures me that Apple has a team of people who are constantly looking to understand their operating systems better and refining the current operating versions in order to provide a better experience for all of their clients.

Knowing this is happening and that things are getting better with each software upgrade makes it easier to overlook all of the cons of these updates. I don’t mind the inconveniences if they are working towards a better product.

We should always be upgrading our Spiritual software too! We should be monitoring any “bugs” that we have in our operating systems and doing the necessary work of analyzing the issues in our character and rebooting the current versions of ourselves to run on the prescribed solutions found in the Word of God!

Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing even to the point of dividing soul from spirit, and joints from marrow; it is able to judge the desires and thoughts of the heart.” And 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says, “Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the person dedicated to God may be capable and equipped for every good work.” When we have a steady diet of Scripture then we should be well aware of the “bugs” in our operating systems, and we will have the means necessary to address these issues properly in order to bring about righteousness in our lives.

John 15 tells us that the Father is pruning us in order to make us more fruitful. This means that He is constantly monitoring our effectiveness, faithfulness, fruitfulness, etc. and making the necessary adjustments to the current versions of ourselves. When we sense a new software update coming online by the Holy Spirit, it is wise to pay attention to it and allow the download to happen right away. The reason for this is because when a new update is available and ready for install, if you neglect it then all of the other system functions become affected and do not operate as they are supposed to either. This happens in our lives too. When we are not operating as God is commanding us to, then other people and other areas of our lives get affected and start to manifest the problem. We need to be aware of this and allow the deposits of system updates from the Spirit of God whenever they become available, and honestly that should be daily!

How do I know that there is an update available?

On my Mac, I get a red circle with a number 1 in it whenever I have an update available. This let’s me know to download the newest version of my operating system in order for my device to operate at the manufacturers recommended specs.

When we are spending adequate time in the Word of God and obeying what it says, I believe it will be abundantly clear when a new update is needed in our lives. The Spirit of God comes to live in us when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior, so we have a Technical Support Advisor onboard that will notify us immediately if there is a “bug” that needs to be addressed, or a new operating version that is ready for download. So, it is important to get to know our Technical Advisor and to learn His language so that we can hear Him and make adjustments as He recommends. Knowing the Bible and having the Spirit of Truth guiding you into that Word is what we need to help us know when an update is available.

I also would like to say that sometimes I have needed to spend some time in a “forum” that addresses my technical problem in order to better clarify my understanding of the issues. It is super important to have a support group of friends that will hold us accountable to our system failures, and to help us see the things that are causing such failures. We don’t trust a car mechanic to help us analyze our computer, so be careful not to go to just anyone with your sensitive issues! Get a group of close friends that you can trust and that will tell you the truth of what they see in order to help you through your issues.

Prayer is that part of the process that allows us to be honest about our system’s operating functions, and communicates the issues to the Technical Advisor (Holy Spirit). Once you have communicated to God through prayer, heard from the Spirit through the Word, and confirmed it through a close and trusted support group, then it is time to change (repent). Make the necessary adjustments in your life and allow the new and improved update from the Lord to enhance your life and your relationships with those that are close to you. Anytime we receive a system upgrade, it should allow for a better all around experience of our devices. The same should be true of our lives whenever we receive upgrades from the Spirit too!

I hope that you are getting regular installments of upgrades to your operating system, and that you are experiencing a more righteous and full life as a result of these upgrades, no matter how inconvenient they may seem!

God bless you!

2 thoughts on “Operational Upgrades for Our Lives”

  1. Wonderful post Mark! It’s amazing how Jesus uses everything around us to reveal His nature and to converse with us. And what a blessing it is when we learn to focus on that!!

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