Refusal to Conform!

To the issues listed above (Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, debt, status, politics, abortion, gender identification, marriage, legislation, masks, religion, etc.), we need to look at each of these issues through a Biblical, and eternal perspective in order to approach these issues from a transformed and informed (Biblically) mindset. When we do this, we will find it easier to resist the worldly patterns and stay strongly planted on the Biblical pattern of godliness as we make decisions. Be careful not to be driven by your feelings, always be driven by faith and facts, and it will be very difficult for you to conform yourself to anything that is worldly and ungodly. We are of God’s kingdom and our “agenda’s” in life need to reflect that truth!

Are You Enjoying Life with Your Spouse?

When Chasidy and I spend time together, we usually try to enrich ourselves with study and devotion to the Lord, as well as each other. We both understand the need for us to individually be healthy in our faith and connection with God, so we encourage that each and every day (even when we are on vacation!). I love to read to my wife and then discuss what we studied together. I love to hear her pray! What I have found is that when we take that time to connect with the Lord, our connection becomes so much stronger as a result. There is no greater feeling than to be at peace with the Lord and in harmony with your spouse! It is precious and I hope that all people will be able to experience this great treasure in life!

Choices in Life

We have choices to make in life; Who to marry, how many children to have, where to work, where to worship, who to worship, and so-on. The choices we make should determine our devotion, and the devotion we have should determine our choices.
We do not want death and curses to follow us. We want life and blessings. This will happen for us if we choose to obey Him and remain loyal to Him always in the choices that we make!

Pleasing God

I recognize the importance of speaking out affirmation to my wife. I can watch her face light up when I say something about her that I love. I can see the love in her eyes when I seek to please her with words of affirmation. The encouragement from the author is to “let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God.” (through him, Jesus). God loves to hear from our mouths what makes Him special, set apart, what makes us love Him, what excites us about Him, etc. I love this about God! Let’s not forget that He is worthy to receive such affirmation too, right? So let’s please Him by spending much of our time offering up words from our heart that affirm who He is and what He has done for us.