Are You Real with God and Yourself when You Pray?

I can remember reading Psalm 42 & 43, along with a Sermon Series from the Pastor of my previous church, and being gripped by the honesty of David as he cried out to the Lord in desperation. He starts with saying that he is thirsty for the living God to show up (Ps. 42:1)! When was the last time you told God that you need Him to show up for you just like a deer needs the waters to be there when it goes to a stream for something to drink. Without His presence, we will not be able to continue on just the same as an animal deprived of water will not be able to survive. Is God’s presence that important to you? What are you willing to do to sense His presence and continually press into that presence? I am reminded of Moses telling God that unless He go with them, the Israelites will not go (see Exodus 33:13-17), and I hope that we will all be this honest about our need for God’s presence to be with us as we live out our lives by faith!

Refusal to Conform!

To the issues listed above (Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, debt, status, politics, abortion, gender identification, marriage, legislation, masks, religion, etc.), we need to look at each of these issues through a Biblical, and eternal perspective in order to approach these issues from a transformed and informed (Biblically) mindset. When we do this, we will find it easier to resist the worldly patterns and stay strongly planted on the Biblical pattern of godliness as we make decisions. Be careful not to be driven by your feelings, always be driven by faith and facts, and it will be very difficult for you to conform yourself to anything that is worldly and ungodly. We are of God’s kingdom and our “agenda’s” in life need to reflect that truth!