O’ the Faithfulness of God! Worship Devotional

Although it is just our fallen human nature to resort to faithlessness, we must overcome this tendency and begin trusting in God’s everlasting faithfulness toward us if we ever want to live victoriously in this life! God is not going anywhere. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! That means that the same comfort we received from Him when we needed it before is there for us today, and will always be available to us! Let’s not doubt that for a second!

Is God’s Love Really for Me? Worship Devotional

What can separate us from the unfailing love of God? Nothing! Receive it for yourself today, dwell in it, and give thanks to God for His love for you! He truly is a good and loving God, praise His name! God’s love truly is meant for you and me to personally enjoy! Are you enjoying it?