The Awakening Love of God Shown in Christ Alone

When we find the Truth of God’s love displayed by sending His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to save it, then we can use that Beautiful Name to overcome any and all the “giants” in our lives. We will see that in Christ alone we will overcome the spirit of fear and death, and trust His love to awaken us to the abundant life that He promised us through His Word!

Do You Worry about Provision?

Jesus Christ is the picture of God’s ultimate and complete act of provision! He provided protection and salvation from the wrath of God upon us. We were in need of a deliverer (even if we didn’t realize it), and God supplied his Son to provide the forgiveness, love, and intercession that we all needed. That is the best act of provision that He has ever accomplished in my humble opinion, and I will be forever grateful!