What Are We Using our Freedom For?

There are so many who just look to use their freedom to serve themselves and their agenda’s, and it is creating a culture of selfishness and sinful indulgences that are leading us away from the blessings of Christ. We need to get back to God! We need to go to Him and repent, seek His forgiveness, turn from our wicked ways, and live our lives in godly and morally upright ways! Freedom is useless if we don’t apply it to our lives, and living under the bondage of sin is not using the freedom that Christ purchased for us to bring us blessing! Please decide today to crucify your fleshly desires and to follow the Spirit of life into a full life of freedom! Remember, where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. So, walk in step with God’s Spirit and enjoy the blessings that come along with living holy lives!

Seeing Our Blessings as God Opens the Eyes of Our Heart

I believe one of the most unfortunate things that I witness as a believer of Jesus Christ is the lack of appreciation and gratitude we have towards our Great Father for all of the many blessings that He pours out towards us each and every day! The Scriptures are clear to say that every good and perfect gift comes from the Father (James 1:17), and then Jesus says that the Father is the One who loves to give gifts to those who ask Him (Matt 7:11)!

Is it Your Joy to Say, “Your Will, Your Way!”?

So, when you are tempted to forget the freedom that you have in Christ because of the unfailing love that was shown through His death, burial, and resurrection, please remember that when you made your way to the Cross and received forgiveness of your sins through belief and repentance our God adopted you and called you His child forever! He has purchased your inheritance into His Kingdom, and desires for you to walk in the abundant life of freedom that is yours in Christ. When we open our hearts to this understanding and lay ourselves down in order to receive more of Him, that is when we will truly appreciate the level of wholeness and freedom that is ours in Christ! Surrender to Him and watch how He transforms the tyranny of sin into the grace of freedom!

We Shout, “Hosanna!” to Our God Who Saves!

As we live our lives we need to constantly be aware of our need for God to save us as we are being led to our many “crosses” and seeking God to revive us each day! As we receive His delivering power in our lives, then it is only fitting to reply with a Shout to Hosanna in praise for turning our Graves into Gardens cultivating Spirit-led, fruitful lives for His glory!

What is the Fruit that You are Displaying?

We must be careful not to forget that it is God who is at work within us to produce these fruits, not a vain effort of will from us. This is a hard concept to grasp, but I believe that many of us get caught up in defeat too many times because we do not understand this concept. This is a concept/principle that I believe is so critical in our walk of faith – Allow God to transform us without us trying to reform us! See, God wants to make us new creations, He isn’t trying to take the old us and form us into a new us. His work is a completely new life in Him. We get caught up in trying to take the old us and forcing it, or molding it, into this new life we are trying to live in Christ. This doesn’t work, and it causes all sorts of frustration. The Scripture above says that we were these things, but now we are made new! Why would a butterfly ever crawl on the ground like a caterpillar again? Why would we ever want to go back to our old ways? We are new in Him.

Refusal to Conform!

To the issues listed above (Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, debt, status, politics, abortion, gender identification, marriage, legislation, masks, religion, etc.), we need to look at each of these issues through a Biblical, and eternal perspective in order to approach these issues from a transformed and informed (Biblically) mindset. When we do this, we will find it easier to resist the worldly patterns and stay strongly planted on the Biblical pattern of godliness as we make decisions. Be careful not to be driven by your feelings, always be driven by faith and facts, and it will be very difficult for you to conform yourself to anything that is worldly and ungodly. We are of God’s kingdom and our “agenda’s” in life need to reflect that truth!

Is Your Worship Spirited and True? (Part 3)

Just think, right now in Heaven there is a worship service happening. Within that worship service, truth is being proclaimed about who God is and what He has done. Whenever that happens, there is a response that takes place that causes all of those around the throne to fall before Him and throw their crowns saying, “You are worthy..”. This is going to be so awesome to experience in the future, but I am here to say that we can, and should, be experiencing that sort of a worship service right now!! This is a great picture of worshiping in Spirit and Truth!