The Awakening Love of God Shown in Christ Alone

When we find the Truth of God’s love displayed by sending His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to save it, then we can use that Beautiful Name to overcome any and all the “giants” in our lives. We will see that in Christ alone we will overcome the spirit of fear and death, and trust His love to awaken us to the abundant life that He promised us through His Word!

Love Recklessly and Hope Expectantly

I pray that as you entrust the battles of your life to the Lord, that you would experience His reckless love as you recognize His voice and discover the hope that comes through submission to the Name of Jesus Christ and the grace that He gives us!

Lord, I Need You! The Cry of the Redeemed.

Have you ever found yourself saying, “God, I need You!” I know that I have many times in my life, and I have never once regretted it! I am going to share my testimony now, and I do want you to consider skipping over this section if you have ever been a victim of physical abuse. I would never want my testimony to deter you from having a relationship with Christ, or growing in your walk with Christ, but I do feel that it is necessary to share my story because our testimonies can help people understand how to overcome life’s hurts, habits, and hang-ups and how God can help us do so. Some parts of my story are graphic, so please read with grace.

How Can You Receive Blessings in 2021?

Jeremiah 17:7 (NET) “My blessing is on those people who trust in me, who put their confidence in me.” Whenever we celebrate a New Year, there is always an anticipation of what that year will hold for us. Will we get that new job, will we start a new habit that will benefit our life, are … Read more

How Does Peace Change Us?

We are called to be peace-makers not peace-keepers! Unfortunately, we will spend much of our time when we are not at peace in ourselves seeking to keep the peace around us, and we inevitably end up either hurting ourselves or others, or we just burn out trying. When we are whole and secure in Christ (at peace) we are perfectly positioned to make peace wherever we go. Our very presence will bring peace because it is actually the presence of the God of Peace within us that we are submitted to, and people can and will feel that!

Four Weeks of Expectation – Are You Prepared?

Advent not only is a time of expectation, it is a season of preparation as well. This may be one of the key elements of the “why” behind Advent. Whenever we are able to prepare our hearts in order to encounter God it is a “win”! That exercise will never be without great reward. We do not have to wait until a special season in order to do it either, we can examine and prepare our heart condition anytime throughout the year. But there are certain seasons where we are sort of forced into (or out of) different rhythms of life, and when that happens it is a very good thing to contemplate the condition of our hearts and minds.