A Place of Peace

I hope that through this post you will more readily have the tools you need in order to find the peace you are looking for in your life! It starts with a relationship with Christ Jesus, because that makes us righteous, and righteousness creates peace. I find it very interesting to note that Isaiah 57:2 also states that the one who is upright and righteous also finds rest! Peace creates a restful spirit that is fully trusting in the Lord to care for all of our needs! There is nothing quite like having that restful peace as a result of having a right relationship with God and the people around us!

What Do You Allow to Control Your Heart?

Colossians 3:15 (NET)“Let the peace of Christ be in control in your heart (for you were in fact called as one body to this peace), and be thankful.” Such a short and sweet verse holding in it a profound statement! Let the peace of Christ be in control of your heart. As we have been … Read more