Adoring the Lord Most High!

So I really truly hope that you do have an encounter with the awesome and Most High King of the universe, Jesus Christ. I pray that this week is full of reminders of the God Almighty who loves you and who sent His Son to show you that love. He does not desire that any should perish (see 2 Pet 3:9) but that everyone would come to Him and receive the life that He has purchased for us in Jesus Christ (see John 10:10). This is why we sing, this is why we raise our hands in worship, this is why we adore our Majestic King, Jesus Christ!

Celebrating the Power of the Resurrected Christ!

Easter is a day where the culmination of a year long compiling of undeniable evidences of a risen Savior at work in our lives gets expressed through worship and praise! It is the most important day for followers of Christ, because without the hope of its message we are utterly hopeless and to be pitied by all (see 1 Cor 15:16-19)! But, we are not hopeless and we are not to be pitied because the evidence of Christ’s resurrection has been examined and we have found it to be overwhelmingly accurate and true! Since it is true, that makes us the most joyful and free people in the entire world, because our Savior paved the way necessary for us all to access everlasting life in His name! This is what Easter represents, Life everlasting by the victory of Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!

Are we Worshiping in Vain?

Why? you ask, because these people were doing everything they could to manipulate God! Yes they had the appearance of godliness and they were “rewarded” in the culture as important and highly honored, but they were not connected to the heart of God! God hates insincere rituals and empty religious platitudes that are designed to manipulate Him into thinking that we are somehow better people as a result of them (see Isaiah 1:11-15). God desires expressions of devotion from the heart that recognizes Him as the only reason for any sort of goodness within the one offering up such worship (see Ps. 51:16-17). See, Jesus knew their hearts (as He knows our hearts) and knew that they were not interested in worshiping to be near to God but more interested in showing piety in order to impress and overpower the people around them. He even calls them “white-washed tombs” in Matt. 23:27, saying that they make the outside look clean but on the inside they are full of dead bones. Those are some very harsh words from the One receiving our worship!

How to be Pleasing to God in Our Worship!

Our bodies are reflective of our minds and hearts in worship. We offer up our bodies once we learn what is true of God, and so my question to you is: What is our body saying we believe to be true as we conduct ourself in the exercise of worship? When we sing are we engaged? When our Pastor preaches do we take notes or listen and follow along intently? When there are opportunities to serve, do we get involved? Are we praying? Are we tithing when it’s time to give? Do we understand that what we believe about God is what should compel these acts of sacrificial service? These are the things that we should consider when we look at Romans 12:1.