Do You Have a Hope that is Alive? Worship Devotional

If you are having trouble finding joy and peace in your life, instead of overly focusing on those things maybe all you need is to refresh yourself in the God who gives us a Living Hope in His Son, through the power of His Spirit!

Who Do You Belong To? Worship Devotional

Submission to authority is the key to a life lived in peace and direction. In order to do that though, we must acknowledge who our authority is. Who do we belong to? I know that question doesn’t set right with many of us, but we have to answer that question if we want the blessing of God’s leadership in our lives.

There is Hope in Our Glorious Savior! Worship Devotional

It is our God that broke the chains of sin in our lives. My King came and rescued me! I sing my praises to the God who provided a complete solution to my helpless situation! His love fills my heart now. In Him I find my refuge, and joy is the result of looking to Him for all of these things!

Joy in God’s House! Worship Devotional

So, is there joy in the house of the Lord? That can only be answered by each person represented in our Church each time we worship together. I believe it is the one who understands their sinfulness to its fullest and the nature of what they were delivered from that will be expressing their joy and gratitude with the fullest conviction!

Really, Do I have to Sing? Worship Devotional

The answer to the original question is no, you do not have to sing. But, I would say that you are missing out on a special method of praise and worship that brings honor to the God you love! I would also say that if you choose not to sing, then you are making a decision to disobey the God who I know you love and want to please. Make a decision today to sing, to light your heart on fire through song, and to commit yourself to never stop singing! He deserves our utmost praises!

What are the Gladsome Tidings that Inspire Your Song? Worship Devotional

The Savior of the World has been born to you in the City of David, He is Christ the Lord! That was the Gladsome Tidings, that was the joyous message from the Celestial beings! And that is still the Glad tidings that I am declaring to you today! Jesus Christ has come and brought salvation to this world! Hallelujah!

Christmas is a Time for Rejoicing! Worship Devotional

Although I do understand how a person can be sorrowful at this time, I still feel a real call to exhort everyone to choose joy! Joy is a choice, it is an invitation to come and behold the King! When the Wise Men of Matthew 2 saw the star that was pointing them to the Babe, they shouted joyfully and went to Him immediately! This would be my encouragement to you as well! Shout for Joy, Jesus is here!

The Invitation; Come and Behold the King! Worship Devotional

Can you hear Christ’s invitation to you to come and find your rest in Him (see Matt 11:28-30)? I pray that you have heard this invitation and responded by faith. But, if you have not, there is always time! Do it now, today is the day of salvation and rejoicing for you. Don’t hesitate and be like those in the days of Jesus that would rather have stayed in the dark rather than the light. He came to give you life and light, all you must do is receive it (see John 1:12)!

The Advent of Joy – Worship Eyes

Everyone likes good news, and that is what the Gospel is – Good News! When the Angel said that a Savior is born to us, that was the best news to a people who were waiting for God to send the Deliverer. The Gospel is the very thing that grants us justification (a legal term that means to be declared legally righteous), forgiveness of our sins, peace, hope, love, faith, eternal life, etc. The person that has these things applied to their life is blessed and should be full of joy! 

Joy, Because the Lord HAS Come! Worship Devotional

Have you seen the glories of His righteousness and the wonders of His love in your life? If so, you understand what Peter was saying in 1 Pet 1:8 when he said that we are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy! Respond by singing and lifting up your praises to God at all times!