Worship Devo: Being Delivered from Your Egypt!

God has a wonderful track record of stepping in throughout history and delivering those who call upon Him by faith! You can read about it in the Bible, you can look up Godly testimonies and listen to transformation in other people’s lives, or you can keep a journal and describe your own deliverance experience. All of those are ways to “remember” the works of the Lord, and as we do that our joy and confidence will increase! This is so important and I hope that you can remember that work of deliverance/salvation in your own life.

Lunch Devo: Psalm 97:1

Lunch Devo: “The Lord Reigns!” Do you believe this message? How much of your life is lived as if you believe this message? (Do you make decisions based on this, do you speak to people in a way that would prove this, are you characterized by joy and peace, etc.) Does it produce joy in … Read more

Lunch Devo: Isaiah 40:29-31

We will grow weary and become frail physically. This is just a sad reality in life, but we still have an option to not grow weary and tired spiritually! God promises to give us strength, to renew our energy, to help us rise up and run the race of faith! This promise is to all … Read more

Lunch Devo: 1 Timothy 4:7

Lunch Devo: It is Friday the 13th, and I am challenged through the Scriptures not to get caught up in myths and superstitions, but to be godly in my actions and thoughts. It says here in 1 Timothy 4:7 to reject myths, so I wonder if we are applying this to our lives right now … Read more

You are Deeply Loved by God!

around us is decreasing in their capacity to understand true love. Please do not allow the influence of our culture to cause your hearing to become dull and your heart to become numb to the greatest message ever given!

Rejoice at the Happy Day when God’s Love Awakened You!

Oh happy day indeed when Jesus washed all my sins away! May the love of God the Father make you alive today in Christ Jesus and regenerate a renewed Spirit within you that is full of worship for His delivering work in your life! He truly is mighty to save anyone who calls on His name! How great is our God!!

Is There Joy in the House of the Lord?

So, is there joy in the house of the Lord? That can only be answered by each person represented in our Churches each time we worship together. I believe it is the one who understands their depravity to its fullest and the nature of what they were delivered from that will be expressing their joy and gratitude with the fullest conviction! I believe its the one who is able to lift their head above the circumstances that seem to be clouding the reality of God at work in their lives, and choose to trust Him through the trials they face that will be most enthusiastic in their praises! I believe it’s the one who follows the advice in the Bible, in the book of James, where it says to count it all joy when faced with various trials because we know that there is a deeper work happening through them that will not wait until Sunday to offer up a half-hearted utterance (maybe even a mumble with arms crossed) but will at all times have a hearty praise spewing from their lips!