
I believe that each of us has an Egypt and a Promised land. I believe that we are all tempted to create, or assign, god figures into our lives that we end up worshiping because we believe that they will give us comfort, provision, peace, etc. Before we know it, we are gathering all of the gold around us and making a golden calf – just like the children of Israel did after Moses didn’t come down from the mountain where he met with God. When God doesn’t meet our timeline expectation, or doesn’t give us the answer we are looking for, or we don’t know where else to turn, we will be tempted to shift our commitment, or allegiance, to someone or something that seems to be the answer/solution to our problem.

A Better Hope

To rely on an imperfect human to carry out the requirements of a perfect God on my behalf does not really bring me much comfort, hope, security, or lasting peace. I want a final work of atonement! One that is established forever so that it doesn’t depend on any human ritual, or human anything for that matter!
Here is where the Scripture above comes into play, “a better hope is introduced”.

The Duty of Mankind

I remember growing up as an Amish boy, and whenever I would be around my elderly relatives having an immense amount of respect for them. You didn’t talk to them in any sort of disrespectful tone, you didn’t disobey them, you acted in a quiet and respectful manner whenever they were around. It was not that I had to be told to do this, I just somehow understood it.


I am constantly trying to muti-task. It seems as though when I “finish” (that never seems to happen) a project, I am upset that I have fallen way behind on another one and I feel guilty for taking time to “enjoy” the fruits of the time spent on the last project. Maybe you know how that feels too?

Worship without sight

I know that it is harder to do so when life seems to be falling apart around us, when culture seems to be dismissing the very existence of God, and when we just can’t seem to see Him at work anywhere, but this is precisely when it is the most important for us to choose to offer up worship to Him! It is in these moments that faith is engaged and blessing is always poured out when we activate faith!