Celebrating the Power of the Resurrected Christ!

Easter is a day where the culmination of a year long compiling of undeniable evidences of a risen Savior at work in our lives gets expressed through worship and praise! It is the most important day for followers of Christ, because without the hope of its message we are utterly hopeless and to be pitied by all (see 1 Cor 15:16-19)! But, we are not hopeless and we are not to be pitied because the evidence of Christ’s resurrection has been examined and we have found it to be overwhelmingly accurate and true! Since it is true, that makes us the most joyful and free people in the entire world, because our Savior paved the way necessary for us all to access everlasting life in His name! This is what Easter represents, Life everlasting by the victory of Christ Jesus! Hallelujah!

We Shout, “Hosanna!” to Our God Who Saves!

As we live our lives we need to constantly be aware of our need for God to save us as we are being led to our many “crosses” and seeking God to revive us each day! As we receive His delivering power in our lives, then it is only fitting to reply with a Shout to Hosanna in praise for turning our Graves into Gardens cultivating Spirit-led, fruitful lives for His glory!

Let’s Bless the Name of the King of kings!

As we seek to live our lives in godly ways, modeling the Kingdom life in Heaven, we need to remember often the Deep Love of the Father upon us evidenced by sending the King of kings down to earth to save us from our lives of sin and shame and to do great things for us that cause us to always bless His Holy Name!

Whatever May Come We Need to Stand in the Love of God

As we look to God to be near to us and to answer our calls to Him for help in life’s various trials and joys, we need to remain steady in the love of God and declaring to others around us of how He is turning the nastiness of our lives into opportunities for His praise! God is always deserving of our dedication and worship!

The Awakening Love of God Shown in Christ Alone

When we find the Truth of God’s love displayed by sending His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, into the world to save it, then we can use that Beautiful Name to overcome any and all the “giants” in our lives. We will see that in Christ alone we will overcome the spirit of fear and death, and trust His love to awaken us to the abundant life that He promised us through His Word!

Love Recklessly and Hope Expectantly

I pray that as you entrust the battles of your life to the Lord, that you would experience His reckless love as you recognize His voice and discover the hope that comes through submission to the Name of Jesus Christ and the grace that He gives us!

Love is Primary

In Deuteronomy 6:5 we are told to “…love the Lord your God with your whole mind, your whole being, and all your strength.” The essential aspect of our Covenant with the Lord (covenant means a binding agreement) is love! There is nothing more important to God than for us to understand His love for us and that we would love Him. This is why I say that Love is primary, because there is nothing more important to God in regard to us.