How He Loves Us! Worship Devotional

God’s love compels transformation, requires change, sheds light on the darkness of our lives, and moves us from our sinful ways into a holy lifestyle! Why? Because “We are His portion and He is our prize, drawn by redemption by the grace in HIS eyes…” His love redeems us and His grace draws us closer to Him as it teaches us to deny ungodliness!

Is God’s Love “Reckless”? Worship Devotional

From the outside looking in, from the world’s perspective (and probably the Church’s too), it appears that people who don’t deserve to be shown mercy are speaking of their lives forever changed by the love and goodness of God toward them. Many times we may wonder why, or how, “these people” would receive mercy from God after what “they” have done. Maybe we have forgotten the love that God showed us too, and how little we deserve that sort of grace!

The Love that Provides Eternal Life! Worship Devotional

The Father’s arms are open for all who will come to Him to receive life and love! We praise the Lord for the love He has shown us! It is this love that gives sinners like myself an opportunity to receive salvation and redemption in this world! Are you thirsty for that sort of salvation, for that kind of love? Jesus says, “Come to Me and you will never thirst again”!

Rejecting Lies and Believing the Truth of Who We Are! Worship Devotional

Have we ever considered the privilege of being called a child of the Most High King? Does it seem strange to be included in the family of God Almighty? Not only included, but an Heir of all things, adopted with full rights as His children!!

There is Hope in Our Glorious Savior! Worship Devotional

It is our God that broke the chains of sin in our lives. My King came and rescued me! I sing my praises to the God who provided a complete solution to my helpless situation! His love fills my heart now. In Him I find my refuge, and joy is the result of looking to Him for all of these things!

Forever Changed Because of God’s Love! Worship Devotional

God loved us so much that He died for us! This ensured that those who come to Him by faith will receive forgiveness, be cleansed, and receive their standing as a child of His forever. That means He will never forsake, or abandon, us! He will never stop loving us and walk away from His commitment to us! His love will always be there for us, and we never have to fear not being accepted by Him, ever!

The Advent of Love – Worship Eyes

Love came down to earth from Heaven, His name is Jesus! He is the expressed image of the Father’s love and dedication to humanity. God is love, and when He came to earth He brought love with Him. That love will transform anyone’s life that comes to Him by faith and lives according to His ways.

Love for God and love for one another are the two commands that sum up all of the other commands. There is no greater command in all of the Scriptures then for us to love! In John 15:12 Jesus tells us to love one another as He has loved us!

What are the Gladsome Tidings that Inspire Your Song? Worship Devotional

The Savior of the World has been born to you in the City of David, He is Christ the Lord! That was the Gladsome Tidings, that was the joyous message from the Celestial beings! And that is still the Glad tidings that I am declaring to you today! Jesus Christ has come and brought salvation to this world! Hallelujah!

Christmas is a Time for Rejoicing! Worship Devotional

Although I do understand how a person can be sorrowful at this time, I still feel a real call to exhort everyone to choose joy! Joy is a choice, it is an invitation to come and behold the King! When the Wise Men of Matthew 2 saw the star that was pointing them to the Babe, they shouted joyfully and went to Him immediately! This would be my encouragement to you as well! Shout for Joy, Jesus is here!